Although summer is supposed to be a time when things slow down a little, it seems like things get pretty busy some weeks. As I write this on Wednesday, our Yellow House crew is getting the pantry restocked for the monthly food giveaway day on Monday. John and a big group of our teens are midway through a great week at Pettijohn Springs Christian Camp. David and Sarah have returned from a trip visiting with churches that support our mission efforts in Haiti. Kyle is gearing up to begin his work with the Tigers for Christ College Ministry next month. Vacation Bible School registrations are coming in through the church website. (Register today at There are so many more things I could mention, but I would like you to remember one specifically. Our Summer Series of guest speakers is underway, and the speakers are doing a tremendous job reminding us of how encountering Jesus changes lives.
Mike Ireland kicked off our series by taking us back to the moment Jesus came to live among us. That incarnation is proof of God’s love and of His confidence that we are able to be the people He designed us to be. Then Floyd Kaiser reminded us that encountering Jesus demands a response. In John 5 Jesus asked the question, “Do you want to get well?” We could ask that question of ourselves today. Are we willing to take action to get the changes we desire in our lives? This week Dan Mayfield shared with us about how Jesus related to a group in Matthew 19 that many would overlook: children. Jesus loved them and made time for them. He wants us to do the same.
If you have missed these first few speakers of the summer, we’re just getting started. Plan now to be with us each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. You will be blessed as we come to know Jesus better together. – Brian
Audio recordings of our Summer Series are available to download at this link: