July 2021
Playing Favorites
The Christians that James wrote too had a similar problem that people have today: treating people differently based on the category they fall into. In this case, it was rich and poor. God desires that we treat every person we encounter with the love that He has for them.
June 2021
Many who are in the midst of grief are anxious to get to the anticipated destination: a return to normal. Sometimes we cannot get back to how things used to be. Instead, we learn to navigate the journey with a God who will never leave and people who want to walk alongside us.
Practice What You Preach
One of the greatest challenges in the Christian life is the gap between knowing and doing. As we strive to bridge that gap, we do not just want to do the right thing. We want doing the right thing to become second nature for us and for others to see Jesus because of that.
Cause and Effect
As we continue to learn to understand grief, we consider some causes of grief, effects of grief and how God responds to both.
Under Pressure
This week we look at tempting and testing. They have different sources and different intended results. Understanding those differences can help us through many situations and can help our relationship with God to grow deeper.
We’ve all heard there are two things you can’t avoid: death and taxes. This month on Sunday evenings we are talking about the emotion and process that might be attached to both of these and several other life events we have in common: grief. We all grieve. We all grieve differently. What does scripture say […]
Have Faith
This week we begin a new series on the book of James. Many are drawn to James because of its practical nature. The brother of Jesus calls on Christians to have a faith that works actively in good times and during struggles.
Spreading Holiness
From Acts 5, the beginning of the spread of Christianity is immediately plagued by two who would rather outwardly appear as part of the one body but inwardly remain separate and selfish. In this strange story In the New Testament we see a God who is willing to do what is needed to keep Satan […]
Spreading Life
From 1 Kings 16, through Elijah’s journey to the widow of Zarephath we see a God who is willing and able to spread life even when spreading life seems so far from our circumstance. If this is who our God is, then what is stopping us from spreading that life today?
May 2021
We conclude our series about the church this week. We have asked this question during each lesson: “What does a church member do?” This week we talk about how a church member must grow.