January 2019
What Do You Know?
The phrase “that you may know” occurs several times in scripture. This week we will look at several things that God wants us to know, and we will be reminded that knowing those things can help us to be more confident in our walk with Him.
Preparing the Way
John the Baptist preaches a simple message in Luke 3. People need to make changes in their lives and begin to bear the fruit of followers of God. That message is as true in 2019 as it was when John preached it nearly 2000 years ago.
December 2018
Family Vacation
There are not many stories in the Bible about the childhood years of Jesus. In Luke 2, Jesus goes to Jerusalem with His family. This story gives insight into the values that Joseph and Mary instill in the child God entrusted to them.
God’s Servant
Our Exodus series concludes with a story from Numbers 20 where Moses finally has enough of the complaining and loses focus. He will live with the consequences of his actions, but God never leaves his servant.
Good News of Great Joy
Jesus did not come to Earth in the way we would expect a king. He had a humble birth and was greeted by shepherds. But the fact that God’s Son was here to live among his people is truly “good news of great joy.”
God’s Dwelling
Beginning in Exodus 25, God gives instructions on how to build and furnish his dwelling, the Tabernacle. Each element symbolizes something about God and His relationship with his people. And each element foreshadows what His Son will do in the New Testament.
How Can This Be?
The Gospel of Luke begins with Zechariah and Mary receiving visits from an angel. Each of their lives was about to change forever as they became part of God’s plan to save those who will follow Him.
Who Is Jesus?
What would you expect a king to be like? From the time Israel first wanted a king, they had something in mind. God sees past those things to the heart. The king that God has in mind is only found in Jesus. He does not fit any mold man has created.
God’s Patience
As the Israelites leave Sinai, we find them in the midst of one of their regular habits: complaining. It’s easy for us to focus on the negative and be overcome by it. Throughout the story, we see God’s patience with His people and reminders of His faithfulness.