June 2021
Under Pressure
This week we look at tempting and testing. They have different sources and different intended results. Understanding those differences can help us through many situations and can help our relationship with God to grow deeper.
We’ve all heard there are two things you can’t avoid: death and taxes. This month on Sunday evenings we are talking about the emotion and process that might be attached to both of these and several other life events we have in common: grief. We all grieve. We all grieve differently. What does scripture say […]
Have Faith
This week we begin a new series on the book of James. Many are drawn to James because of its practical nature. The brother of Jesus calls on Christians to have a faith that works actively in good times and during struggles.
May 2021
We conclude our series about the church this week. We have asked this question during each lesson: “What does a church member do?” This week we talk about how a church member must grow.
How We Grow
In the first lesson in this series, we learned that God expects us to grow. This week, we talk about the ways that we can grow.
Most people want a place to belong. Those who follow Jesus find that and much more. In Luke 9, we look at several things that come as a result of following Jesus and what that means for us as church members.
We have always understood that prayer is a way that we connect with God, but as church members our prayers are another way we can connect with one another.
Solid Food
In our relationship with God, we are constantly growing and maturing. Jesus grew, and that is another way we want to be like Him.
Church and Family
In our new series about the church, we will ask this question during each lesson: “What does a church member do?” This week we talk about how a church member teaches children to be like Jesus.
Church In Action
In our new series about the church, we will ask this question during each lesson: “What does a church member do?” This week we talk about how a church member has an active faith that is characterized by serving, giving and sacrifice.