December 2019

Word Made Flesh

Jesus was there in the beginning, but what happens in John 1 is incredible. God became flesh. Jesus came to Earth to live among men and reveal more of God to them. And because He did, we can be with God.  

Devoted to Good Works

Three times in the last chapter of Titus, Paul stresses the importance of good works. We do not do good works in an attempt to earn our salvation. We do good works to glorify the God who saves us by His power.  


People can build us up or let us down. Sometimes the same people can do both. At the close of his second letter to Timothy, Paul tells Timothy some important things about people and some even more important things about God.  

Happy Holydays

When we speak of “Holidays” at the root of that word is the idea that certain days are “HOLY.” In particular, Thanksgiving, Christmas and even New Years are “holy” because of their association with God our creator and provider, and Jesus our savior. What is intriguing is that we too are made holy because of […]

Keeping the Faith

In 2 Timothy 4, Paul wants to give Timothy a final charge and word of encouragement. Like Timothy we all have work that God has equipped us to do. It is up to us to keep at it for the cause of Christ.  


In the church we have a responsibility to model Christianity to those around us. We help each other grow closer to Christ, because He gave His life for us. His grace brings us hope.  

The Word

In 2 Timothy 3, Paul tells Timothy that his familiarity with scripture will equip him for the challenges of life and ministry. Each of us should work to know the Bible better and apply it to our lives.  

November 2019

A Clean Heart

Living a godly life begins with the heart. A clean heart will produce pure actions, and God’s work will be shown in our lives.  

Truth and Consequences

The people we surround ourselves with can have an impact on how we live our lives. Paul warns Timothy in 2 Timothy 3 what to look out for and how to handle those who cause problems in living as a Christian.  

Jesus Conquered Death

Our youth minister, John Marble, talks about how Jesus raised Lazarus in John 11 and what that means for our hope of eternal life.