May 2018


We begin a new series on Sunday evenings this week dealing with Bible heroes. These people of faith were flawed, but God was able to do great things through them in spite of their flaws. The story of Samson is a great example of that. God grants a victory over the Philistines, but Samson is […]

Count the Cost

Following Jesus is the best thing a person can do, but it is not always easy. In this parable from Luke 14, Jesus warns that any of His followers should first count the cost of discipleship before taking that first step. (There are audio distortion issues with this recording. We hope to have it fixed […]


At its core, the Parable of the Talents is actually about money. In the time of Jesus the word we translate “talent” was a measure either by weight or coinage of money, not the skills or abilities we think of today. That being said, the parable does speak to the principle of what we should […]

Because I Asked

We take a one week detour from our Parables series to talk about the story of Hannah from 1 Samuel 1. Hannah’s faithfulness and prayer is an example to us, as we turn first to God with our struggles, needs and thanksgiving.  

Perseverance and Pride

Two different parables in Luke 18 tell us a lot about the kind of character we should have as we pray and in life in general. We should never give up and always remain humble, knowing that God is faithful.  

April 2018

Beginning and Ending

As Genesis comes to a close, we look at the recap of the stories of God’s people in Hebrews 11. We are reminded that each of these characters is a flawed person whose faith God used to accomplish great things. He still works through our faith today.  

The Two Sons

Talk is cheap. Most of us have heard that before, and we’ve experience how it can be true. In this parable, Jesus teaches the importance of following through with our actions instead of just speaking hollow words.  

The Rich Fool

According to the Self Storage Association (yes, that’s really a thing), “The United States has upward of 50,000 storage facilities, more than five times the number of Starbucks. Currently, there is 7.3 square feet of self storage space for every man, woman and child in the nation. Thus, it is physically possible that every American could […]

The Good Samaritan

This week we begin a new series about the Parables of Jesus. We’ll learn a little more about what kinds of parables Jesus told and how He used them. Then we will look at a parable that explains who our neighbors are and how we should treat them.  


Once in Egypt, Joseph moves from being a slave to being a prisoner. In each instance, the Bible tells us that “the Lord was with Joseph.” God works in these situations to lead Joseph to where he needs to be as second only to Pharaoh. Are we willing to trust God through the good and […]