You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.


Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube

Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John


Sunday Evenings – Theology 101


June 2018


David Dirrim shares the story of Nehemiah and reminds us of the importance of working together in the church.

The Wise and Foolish Builders

Although it is familiar to many of us because of the old children’s bible class song, this parable teaches an important core teaching of Christianity. We must be careful where we place the foundation of the faith we are building. Jesus is that foundation.

Jesus and the Children

Our summer series continues with guest speaker, Dan Mayfield. Southwest supports his ministry with the church in Owatonna, Minnesota. Dan talks about how Jesus interacted with children and why that example is important to Christians today.


Of all the unlikely heroes of faith in scripture, Rahab may be the most unlikely. She was a prostitute and a resident of the land the Israelites were preparing to conquer. Her decision to help the spies that Joshua sent into the land changed her path in ways she could never have imagined. If God can use Rahab, He can surely use you!

The Lost Son

The son in this parable thinks he has life all figured out and know exactly what he needs to be happy. He soon discovers just how wrong he is and wants nothing more than to go home again. Regardless of the road we choose in life, our Father wants us to do the same. We know this as the Parable of the Lost Son, but it could also be titled the Parable of the Forgiving Father. Be encouraged by this lesson to come home.

Jesus and the Man at the Pool

Our summer series speaker this week is Floyd Kaiser, who retired in December after 16 years as the Pulpit Minister here at Southwest. Floyd shares his thoughts from the story of Jesus and the lame man by the pool in John 5. It’s there that Jesus asks a question we all need to consider, “Do you want to get well?”


Joshua first comes on the scene as a spy who shows faith and later follows Moses as God’s leader of Israel. Through it all his courage helps us see the power of God at work.

The Wedding Banquet

In this parable a king invites people to a wedding banquet for his son. Those who are invited are unwilling to attend for various reasons, but the king’s plan does not end there. What things in our lives stop us from accepting God’s invitation?

The Birth of Jesus

Our annual Wednesday evening summer series kicks off this week with Mike Ireland from Searcy, Arkansas. Each week through the summer we will look at a story about what happens when Jesus comes into contact with people and how lives are changed. Mike shares how our entire world was changed when Jesus came to be with us.


As God’s people again did evil in His eyes, they struggled to see where He was and why bad things were happening to them. Through Gideon, God brings a great victory in a way that magnifies His power and shows His faithfulness.