You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.
Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube
Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John
Sunday Evenings – Theology 101
March 2019
Suffering For Good
As much as we do not like to experience it, suffering is a part of life. in 1 Peter 3 we are reminded that suffering can result in good things and that Jesus is a great example of that truth. As we tell that story we also know that after His suffering, He won the victory over death. We can share in that victory.
Chosen to Serve
We take a break from our series on the Gospel of Luke this week to look at the early church in Acts 6. The church has grown to the point that important works are being overlooked. The apostles’ solution was that men from among that church should be appointed to take on those responsibilities. The result was even more growth.
Do Good
In 1 Peter 2, Christians are encouraged to live good lives among people with different standards. Peter shows us how to put that idea to practice as he begins the third chapter. Doing good begins with us, and it begins at home.
Inside Out
The Pharisees and experts in the law that Jesus addresses in Luke 11 have the same problem that many people have: they are so concerned with outward appearances that they forget what is important. God calls us all to be transformed from the inside out.
The Will of God
Each month in 2019, we will spend one Sunday evening addressing a question submitted by one of our church members. This week we discuss this question, “Do we use the phrase ‘It was God’s plan’ to much?” We will look at the difference between God’s wish, God’s will and God’s plan, and how these things work in our world.
February 2019
Your Will Be Done
In 1 Peter 2, Peter describes how part the will of God relates to how we interact with each other. Although we often think about God’s will for us, we glorify Him by honoring others.