You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.


Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube

Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John


Sunday Evenings – Theology 101


October 2018

God With Us

Our Exodus series resumes this week as the Israelites are freed and heading toward the Red Sea. Throughout the journey, God cares for them and reminds them of His presence.
Audio Player

Kindness and Goodness

Who is the kindest person you know? Someone probably comes to mind for each of us, but what is it that makes that person stand out? All of us who follow Jesus should be kind, because of His example of kindness and the kindness God shows to us.
Audio Player

Overcoming Grief

Southwest hosts the Area Wide Teen Gathering this week. The theme for the year is Overcome. Tonight John Marble shares this lesson about overcoming grief and reminds us that being present is often more meaningful than the words we say.
Audio Player


Our Fruit of the Spirit resumes this week with a study of patience. When are we impatient, and what does God’s power allow us to do about it?
Audio Player

Jesus Is Lord

Alan Eck brings us a lesson this week about Jesus.
Audio Player

The Face of God

David Dirrim shares a lesson about the Face of God this week.
Audio Player

September 2018

Eastern European Missions

Ben Mereness from Eastern European Mission is with us this week to talk about the work being done by EEM to distribute Bibles in Eastern Europe.
Audio Player

Grace and Peace

Floyd Kaiser returns to the pulpit this week with a lesson about grace and peace.
Audio Player


Equipped with a mission, a plan and signs for proof, Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh with a bold request. Pharaoh quickly denied them and took steps to discourage Israel and those who spoke on God’s behalf. What follows is a display of God’s power over all and His faithfulness to His people.
Audio Player


In a world full of people who want to escalate every conflict, Jesus calls on us to be peacemakers. This week we learn where that process begins and that seeking peace is possible because of the power of the Spirit.
Audio Player