You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.
Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube
Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John
Sunday Evenings – Theology 101
July 2019
God Is Holy
“As he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct” – 1 Peter 1:15
If we are called to be holy, we need to better understand the holiness of God. Layne Heitz from Durant talks this week about how God is holy.
The Greatest Story
In a way VBS week is a break from our summer series, but God is the author of the greatest story. This week Wayne Roberts from Oklahoma City connects the entire story of God and its effect on our lives.
Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
In our world today, people look many places for meaning and many people to follow. As Christians we should always look to Jesus to see who God wants us to be.
June 2019
Much Joy
In Acts 8 we find two people who handle notoriety in very different ways. Simon the magician uses the attention his magic brings to let people know how great he is. Philip uses the attention he gets from healing to point people toward Jesus. It’s another opportunity to be the witness that Jesus told His disciples to be.
God Is Our Refuge
As we continue learning more this summer about who God is, Buster Sides from Blanchard talks about how God is our refuge.
Following Directions
God has directions for Balaam, and it seems that his intention is to ignore those directions. It takes an argument with his donkey to help Balaam see the power of God clearly. If God can use that donkey, how can He use us?