You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.


Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube

Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John


Sunday Evenings – Theology 101


September 2019

Anything You Want

If God offered you anything you want, what would you ask for? Health? Money? Fame? Solomon could have asked God for any of those, but he did not. God was pleased with a response that might surprise you.
Audio Player

A Noble Task

In the midst of Paul’s instructions about how we should interact within the church, he gives the description of what elders should be. It comes as no surprise that shepherds should model themselves after the Good Shepherd.
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August 2019

God Is a Giver

Our summer series concludes this week with Wendell Ingram from Wapanucka. He shows us that God is a giver and wants us to be people who give.
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The Agony of Victory

After preaching to the people of Nineveh, Jonah gets the response any preacher would want: the people acknowledge their sin and repent. Jonah is not happy about their change or God’s mercy. While Jonah shows anger, God shows compassion.
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Prayer and Peace

Throughout scripture God brings order out of chaos. In 1 Timothy 2, Paul writes to Timothy about order in the church, the prayer that should surround it and the peace that can come as a result.
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God Is With Us

Robert Prater from Tulsa is with us this week to talk about an idea that permeates scripture: God is with us.
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Back to Work

Jonah finds himself back on dry land as chapter 3 begins, and God presents him with a familiar task: go to Nineveh. Once again, those who do not follow God respond to His power and message. God desires that people be saved.
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From the time we are children, one of the questions we ask most frequently is, “Why?” In the second half of 1 Timothy 1, Paul explains the answer to that question for himself, Timothy and Jesus. What is your why?
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God Is Our Father

Troy Rogers from Lawton joins us this week to emphasize that God is our Father.
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Lessons From Preaching Camp

Several of our young men attended preaching camps this summer. This week they share their lessons with us.
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