You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.
Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube
Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John
Sunday Evenings – Theology 101
December 2020
Straight Paths
This week we begin a new series on the Gospel of Mark. Unlike the other gospels, Mark jumps right into the story of Jesus. Mark has an urgency about telling the story. We should have that same urgency to tell His story today.
Who Is My Neighbor?
Our Youth & Family Minister, Thorin Turner, shares this lesson from Luke 10. We, like the lawyer, often wonder who our neighbor is that we are to love as ourselves. Jesus calls those who would follow him and seek eternal life to instead be a neighbor in all situations, loving the other with all that you have just as you would love God with all that you have.
Prayers from the Cross
Since prayer is a regular practice of Jesus throughout His life, it should come as no surprise that it is a significant part of what He says from the cross. His three prayers from the cross should serve as examples to us.
I Thank You
Standing before the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus stops to tell the Father how thankful He is. The things that Jesus is thankful for are things that we should still be thankful for today.
November 2020
God Is Good
God IS good and therefore we can ultimately trust him. However, humanity has always faced the challenged of believing God’s way is the best and not trying to make life work on our terms. That is true in the story of Genesis and remains our challenge today.
Who Knows?
Prayers of thankfulness usually include things we consider to be blessings, or a the very least things that we consider to be positive. We do not often consider being kept in the dark to be a good thing. In Matthew 11, Jesus thanks God for His way of hiding and revealing, reminding us to trust that God is in control. That’s something to be thankful for.
I Have Prayed For You
It is so comforting when someone says, “I have prayed for you.” Jesus prays frequently in the New Testament, but He only says those words once. There are great things to learn from His prayer for Peter.
Walk Through
At the close of any renovation project, it’s time for the final walk through. As Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount, it’s just the beginning for His followers. They key to the sermon is putting His teachings into action in our lives.
October 2020
Planting Trees
Although Matthew 7 begins with a warning about judging, the chapter continues with Jesus teaching that people will know who we are by the fruit that we bear. As Marshall Keeble said, “We are not judges. We’re fruit inspectors.” What kind of tree will you be?