You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.


Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube

Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John


Sunday Evenings – Theology 101


August 2019


From the time we are children, one of the questions we ask most frequently is, “Why?” In the second half of 1 Timothy 1, Paul explains the answer to that question for himself, Timothy and Jesus. What is your why?

God Is Our Father

Troy Rogers from Lawton joins us this week to emphasize that God is our Father.

Lessons From Preaching Camp

Several of our young men attended preaching camps this summer. This week they share their lessons with us.

Love and Law

This week we begin a new series about the pastoral epistles. The old law served a purpose for the people of God, but what does it mean for followers of Christ who have been freed from sin?

God Is Righteous

Randy Johns from Paris, Texas is here to talk with us this week about the righteousness of God.

Calling Out

After finding himself in the belly of a great fish, Jonah turns to prayer. The one who ran from God is forced to remember that God is still in control.

Devoted to Prayer

However life is going for the church in the first 12 chapters of Acts, there is one constant: prayer. The 1st century church prayed consistently, and they saw those prayers answered. We need to follow that example and know that God hears us too.

July 2019

God Is Faithful

This week Howard Norton from Searcy, Arkansas, talks about how much of the story of scripture is a reminder of the faithfulness of God. The ultimate expression of that faithfulness is shown in Jesus.

Running Away

In the Bible when God gives instructions to go, often the next verse will begin, “And ________ went.” That was not the case with Jonah. He took a ship headed far away. Everyone on that ship learns that God is still there. 

Negative to Positive

It is in God’s nature to turn negatives into positives. In Acts 11, the scattering of people that resulted from the persecution of the church was used by God to help the church grow. And a trip by Barnabas to check on the church in Antioch encouraged them to grow in their new faith.