You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.
Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube
Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John
Sunday Evenings – Theology 101
March 2021
Family is a regular theme throughout scripture. All the way back to the book of Genesis, God’s story had been told through family. We will look at practical ways to improve our families and honor Him in that process.
Tales From God’s House
The stories in Mark 10 about Jesus coming into Jerusalem to the temple in Jerusalem might seem unrelated at first glance, but His encounter with the fig tree serves as an important warning for those seeking to follow God.
Leave It Behind
Even those who keep all of God’s commands might be hanging on to something they prioritize above Him. For the young man in Mark 10, it was his wealth. Whatever separates us from God must be left behind.
February 2021
What Is Clean?
In Mark 7, a question about tradition gives Jesus the opportunity to teach about the need for clean and pure hearts.
Hard Times
Before sending His disciples out two by two, Jesus prepares them for the difficulties ahead. Each of us will face hard times, but God will equip us and guide us through them.
January 2021
Forever Changed
At the end of Mark 4, Jesus leaves the crowd and heads across the lake. After stilling the storm He comes to the other side only to be immediately confronted by a demon possessed man. After his encounter with Jesus, the man is forever changed and cannot wait tell others about it. Will we tell others what Jesus has done for us?
Many of the people who encountered Jesus in Mark 3 had their minds made up about Him beforehand. Those who met Him with a willingness to learn had their lives changed. What are you looking for when you encounter Jesus?