You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.


Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube

Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John


Sunday Evenings – Theology 101


September 2020

We Will. We Won’t. He does.

There is a pattern seen in the early days of Israel’s journey to the promised land that too often is ours as well. We say we will follow God but then we fail time and time again. More rules can’t fix it. Only the grace brought to us through Christ can give us hope.

August 2020

Demolition Day 2

A few weeks ago we considered the thought that Matthew 5:17-20 is the most important passage in the Bible about how to read the Bible. Now we will look at how Jesus illustrates that by getting to the foundation of six rules that were familiar to His audience. We continue this week with rules about integrity, retaliation and persecution.

Did They Ever Call Him Barney?

His real name was Joseph. They nicknamed him Barnabas, “Son of Encouragement.” He encouraged the poor, the powerful, the non-elite and those others gave up on. How could much could we change our slice of the world if we could be more like him?

Demolition Day

Last week we considered the thought that Matthew 5:17-20 is the most important passage in the Bible about how to read the Bible. Now we will look at how Jesus illustrates that by getting to the foundation of six rules that were familiar to His audience. We begin this week with rules about anger, lust and marriage.

House Plans

The Story of God Bible Commentary calls Matthew 5:17-20 the “most significant passage in the Bible on how to read the Bible.” Since Jesus fulfills the old law rather than abolishing it, we learn the importance of reading the entire Bible with Jesus in mind.

Growing Up

As our high school graduates prepare to begin a new phase of life, we look at stories of the childhood of Jesus in Luke 2. We can learn from the example of Joseph, Mary and Jesus how to grow in our relationships with God and others.

July 2020

Curb Appeal

Jesus tells His disciples to be salt and light. As salt and light, we can help the world around us to see Him better. Because of what Jesus does and promises, we are able to be salt and light in our world.

Different Angle

This week we begin a new series about the Sermon on the Mount. Although the sermon teaches important ways to change our lives, it is most of all a sermon about what God is doing and how His presence changes us. Many will look at the beatitudes as another list of characteristics for Christians to emulate. Instead we consider them as evidence of how God’s power works in all circumstances.

Two Become One

When Jesus is asked about divorce in Mark 10, He takes the opportunity to talk about God’s design for marriage. Paul explains more of that design in Ephesians 5. Marriage values women in a way that was revolutionary and places responsiblity on both husband and wife to be like Jesus. 

A Life of Freedom

As we celebrate Independence Day this weekend, we know as the founders said that our freedom comes from our Creator. As Christians, we know that He gives us freedom that goes far beyond our freedom as Americans. He frees us from sin and makes us heirs, so we can celebrate our dependence on Him.