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Sunday Mornings –

Gospel of Mark


Sunday Evenings –

A Year in Scripture


Sermon Audio

July 2019

Running Away

In the Bible when God gives instructions to go, often the next verse will begin, “And ________ went.” That was not the case with Jonah. He took a ship headed far away. Everyone on that ship learns that God is still there. 

Negative to Positive

It is in God’s nature to turn negatives into positives. In Acts 11, the scattering of people that resulted from the persecution of the church was used by God to help the church grow. And a trip by Barnabas to check on the church in Antioch encouraged them to grow in their new faith.

God Is Love

Nathan Mellor from Oklahoma City is with us this week to remind us that God is love and designed us to love each other.

Life or Death

From the beginning of time mankind has had the choice of living a full, rich life as it was intended to be, or choosing something far less that ultimately leads to death. We’re still faced with that choice today. Jesus says HE is life. Do we really believe that? Our choices will tell.

The Gospel Is for All

In Acts 10 everything will change for the church. To this point, the good news of Jesus has been taught to the Jewish people. When Peter and Cornelius meet, the door is opened to the Gentiles. God wants all people to come to know Him.

God Is Holy

“As he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct” – 1 Peter 1:15
If we are called to be holy, we need to better understand the holiness of God. Layne Heitz from Durant talks this week about how God is holy.

I Saw the Light

To a member of the church in the first century, there would be no more unlikely person to become a brother in Christ than Saul. Saul believed his purpose in life was to rid the world of Christianity. When he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, all that changed. God truly can use anyone.

The Greatest Story

In a way VBS week is a break from our summer series, but God is the author of the greatest story. This week Wayne Roberts from Oklahoma City connects the entire story of God and its effect on our lives.

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

In our world today, people look many places for meaning and many people to follow. As Christians we should always look to Jesus to see who God wants us to be.

Do You Understand?

In Acts 8, Philip teaches the Ethiopian about Jesus, and it leads to his baptism. This story emphasizes the importance of sharing the story of Jesus and how the response of followers throughout the book of Acts includes baptism.