You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.


Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube

Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John


Sunday Evenings – Theology 101


June 2019

Two Natures

As we continue our series on how Christians should handle conflict, we look this week at how the nature of the gospel and human nature impact our working together. 


After healing the lame man in Acts 3, Peter and John find themselves in the custody of some of the same people that were involved in the crucifixion of Jesus. The Peter who denied Jesus at that time is a distant memory in Acts 4. The power of the Holy Spirit provides a boldness that must tell about Jesus.

May 2019

God’s Greatest Desire

Is it really possible to know what God’s greatest desire is? If we knew, would we want to do everything within our power to make that happen? We can learn a lot about God’s desires based on the commandments He gives.

What Are You Looking At?

The lame man by the Beautiful Gate in Acts 3 thought he knew exactly what he needed. He had no idea that the power of the name of Jesus would change his life forever that day. We should refocus on Him every day instead of looking for fulfillment in the wrong places.

New Beginnings

On a night set aside to celebrate our High School seniors, John Marble encourages us to think of graduation and the day we are baptized as a new beginning. Both milestones are a time for us to begin building upon the foundations that have been laid for us.


At the end of Acts 2 we find one of the best descriptions of what the church was like in the New Testament. In a word, they were devoted. If we devoted ourselves to the things they were devoted to, our world will see Jesus in us.

Pursuing Peace

Romans 14 teaches us how to get along when we have differences of opinion. One of the great challenges of conflict is trying to get the root of the problem rather than focusing on the personalities involved. This week we unpack some practical ideas of how to solve the people problem while pursuing peace.

Women In Acts

Women play a significant role as followers of Jesus throughout the book of Acts.  This Mother’s Day we talk about Tabitha, Mary (mother of John Mark), Rhoda and Priscilla; and we learn how having some of their characteristics can help us in our walk with God.

Passing Judgment

This week we continue looking at Romans 14 and how to handle disagreement. One of the difficulties in handling disagreement is our tendency to assume the motives of others. Scripture tells us that only God knows those motives, and He alone is our judge.

Cut to the Heart

In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit empowers the apostles to communicate people from all over the world who have come to Jerusalem. When the crowd hears the story of Jesus they are cut to the heart, and their lives are forever changed.