You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.
Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube
Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John
Sunday Evenings – Theology 101
August 2022
The Spirit of Love
The greatest commands are to love God and love others. The Holy Spirit enables us to love more fully and selflessly than could be explained in human terms.
July 2022
The Gifts of the Spirit
When we see the miraculous works of God in scripture, they often accompany something new in the story and are for the common good. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul talks about several gifts of the Spirit. Although we tend to focus on miraculous things like healing or tongues, Paul uses the discussion to lead to something even more important: love.
Was Blind But Now I See
When the blind man in John 9 first heard the voices discussing him, he only thought of Jesus as another man talking about him. Soon after hearing that voice, he was given his sight. By the end of the chapter, Jesus was his Lord.
Looking for the Spirit
Many of us can see the presence of the Spirit in events from our past. How can we be more aware of His presence now or where He might be leading us? We might begin with being more aware of His presence in today’s events.
In a world filled with anxiety, there is one place we can look for calmness. When we find that calmness that God provides, we can be the non-anxious presence that those around us need.
The Spirit Who Dwells
God has always desired to dwell with His people. In the Old Testament, He used the garden, the tabernacle and the temple as a place to dwell with His people. In the New Testament, Jesus came to dwell in the flesh. Now His Spirit dwells within us.
We see in scripture that patience is a characteristic of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Patience should be evident in our lives as well.
The Fruit of the Spirit
If the Holy Spirit dwells within us, the fruit of that relationship should be seen by those around us. The way He shows in our lives grows as we do.