You can stream or download audio from recent lessons below. We pray that you will be blessed as we look into God’s word and how we might apply it to our daily walk.


Current Sermon Series Video Playlists on YouTube

Sunday Mornings – Gospel of John


Sunday Evenings – Theology 101


February 2022


God wants us to be committed to Him and each other. Tonight we spend our time mostly in Psalm 37 considering what that commitment looks like and what God does in response.

Go Tell John

While in prison, John begins to question what he knows about Jesus. When our circumstance do not go the way we plan, we often do the same thing. Jesus responds by remind John that God is in control, and His plan is still intact. The same things are true for us today.

January 2022


The world does not seek peace but anxiety created by its motivation to serve the self.  Paul calls us to have a peace that surpasses understanding which comes through living wholly to serve God and do his will.  Jesus calls us to take that a step further and not only have his peace, but to make more of it by spreading our lack of anxiety to others around us.

The Road to Greatness

Moses shows us that the road to greatness begins by realizing we aren’t adequate in ourselves to achieve great things. But that doesn’t matter because God, the I AM, is more than able to do great things through us if we follow His lead.


Loving God includes keeping His commandments. There are numerous examples in scripture of where obedience and disobedience lead people of God. In 2 Kings 5, Naaman is given simple instructions by Elisha, but hesitates to follow them. Eventually through the power of God, his obedience brings the result Naaman hoped for.

Hear and Do

Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount that living for God is about more than the rules. The rules they knew so well had purposes behind them. Understanding those purposes better helps us understand Him better. Living those purposes out helps us to be more of who He created us to be.


On Sunday evenings in 2022, we will be looking at character traits mentioned in scripture. We begin this week by discussing the importance of character and examples of good and bad character from the Bible.


Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount by describing people who are blessed in various ways. Being blessed is not about how well life’s circumstances are going. It is a result of God being sovereign in your life.


As we begin a new year, we take a look at how Jesus started His ministry. Following His example will help us begin well.

December 2021

God’s Comfort

Dillon Proctor brings our Sunday evening lesson this week about the comfort that God provides in difficult circumstances. Dillon is currently involved in ministry training at Bear Valley Bible Institute.