We hope you can join us on
July 27th
Southwest Church of Christ
West 17th St. Ada, OK
Girls 5th – 12th grade and their chaperones can join us for a day for girls to work on nourishing, maintaining, enjoying, and sharing their faith.
“Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”
Proverbs 16:24 NLT
“Sweet As Can Be”
Learn how to be sweet like honey and how we can shape and mold our characters as God’s daughters.
Keynote Speaker:
Jena Nickell will be our keynote speaker this year. Jena will lead our girls in three sessions.
1. To be sweet like honey we need to focus on ourselves. How can we mold our character and develop our heart to be after God?
2. Join us as we learn how to gain better spiritual and physical purity.
3. Speaking kind words to ourselves and others is so important. Come and see how we can be kind to others as well as ourselves and what an impact that has on our relationships in life.
2. Join us as we learn how to gain better spiritual and physical purity.
3. Speaking kind words to ourselves and others is so important. Come and see how we can be kind to others as well as ourselves and what an impact that has on our relationships in life.
I’m so excited to see each of your smiling faces this year at God’s Girls. August can’t come soon enough. See you then!
-Carli Turner
9:00-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:10 Introduction, prayer, main song
10:10-10:40 Breakout #1
10:40-10:50 Singing
10:50-11:20 Breakfast & free time
11:20-11:50 Keynote#1
11:50-12:20 Breakout#2
12:20-12:30 Singing & prayer for lunch
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:00 Breakout #3
2:00-2:30 Keynote#2
2:30-2:40 Singing
2:40-3:10 Snacks and free time
3:10-3:40 Breakout #4
3:40-4:20 Keynote #3
4:20-4:30 Singing, pictures and goodbye
10:00-10:10 Introduction, prayer, main song
10:10-10:40 Breakout #1
10:40-10:50 Singing
10:50-11:20 Breakfast & free time
11:20-11:50 Keynote#1
11:50-12:20 Breakout#2
12:20-12:30 Singing & prayer for lunch
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:00 Breakout #3
2:00-2:30 Keynote#2
2:30-2:40 Singing
2:40-3:10 Snacks and free time
3:10-3:40 Breakout #4
3:40-4:20 Keynote #3
4:20-4:30 Singing, pictures and goodbye
Breakout Classes
Breakout Class 1
Tiffany Frye
What difference does it make when we decide to cling to God during difficult times? How do we deal with hard things in life that happen to us, with fears and anxieties life can cause? Avoid letting anger and fear overcome you.
Breakout Class 2
Stacey Lewis
Learn to have patience, forgiveness, and how we can better love one another.
Breakout Class 3
Jessica White & Kara Bryant
Craft class: Learn how to put in the time to build stronger relationships, friendships and how to have great fellowship.
Breakout Class 4
Macie Etheridge & Kaylee George
Prayer: How can we pray for kind hearts? What are the tactics to pray for other people, for our friends, family, and even our enemies?
Chaperone Breakouts
Chaperone Class 1
Melissa Eck
Let’s talk boundaries. You can still be sweet and say no. How can we be involved with our kiddos and still avoid burnout that can easily sneak in?
Chaperone Class 2
Kellie Hudson
As our kids examples we need to be able to display spiritual and physical modesty too. What are we saying with the way we dress, act, and speak? What are you teaching your kids and those you come in contact with everyday?
Chaperone Class 3
Donna Duncan
See how you can speak kind words and positive affirmations to your kids. How can you lift them up on a daily basis and be their godly example?
$15 includes T-shirt and meals.
Checks can be made out to Southwest Church of Christ
Checks can be made out to Southwest Church of Christ
or cash please.
*Gildan Cotton Tee
*Sizes available will be youth medium to adult 3XL
*T-shirt sizes must be in by July 12th.
*Sizes available will be youth medium to adult 3XL
*T-shirt sizes must be in by July 12th.
I will have a few extra you can buy the day of.
**Bring payment for shirts and registration on
July 27th**