Love Is In the Air
Like a lot of us, I found myself in the seasonal department at Walmart recently. I was there on February 13, which sadly is a little ahead of the game for me. I was amazed to find how much better the selection is the day before the big day. People were there looking at cards, candy, flowers and all kinds of red items with hearts. reported on Valentine’s Day spending. Americans buy lots of gifts to show their love this month. Here is the breakdown by the numbers:
Little, But Powerful
Groundhog Day
Being Disciples and Making Disciples
“We teach what we believe, but we reproduce what we are. Although God in His grace may often use us in spite of ourselves, we normally cannot impart what we do not possess. Discipleship does not happen by accident; it is a process that is animated by an ongoing intention of the heart. No one suddenly stumbles into spirituality, and if we do not decide to apprentice ourselves to Jesus’ authority, we will not become His disciples. Similarly, if we do not consciously intend to reproduce the life of Christ in others, we will miss our calling to make disciples. The more we know Christ, the better we can make Him known.”
The New Testament
A Fresh Start
Telling His Story
Preaching to the Choir
I know what I’m about to say is what most, if not all, of those who read this already know. But sometimes I think the choir needs a little reassurance that the song they’re singing really is the most beautiful hymn ever sung. In I Thessalonians 2 Paul says:
The world is seeking cures to all kinds of physical and social ills that plague us. Unfortunately, in the process it often overlooks, if not suppresses, the greatest cure of all – the Gospel. We know better. Let’s make sure we continue to sing out this message of hope to the world because in the end it’s the only cure for what ails mankind most. Sing on then choir and do so knowing that our song pleases God and all mankind is benefited. And as you sing, smile and say to yourself, “This is pretty awesome. I’m bringing joy to God and benefiting the whole world.” Cool!