It’s All About Jesus
The Courage to Be Vulnerable
Who Are You Going to Call?
Prayer and the Nature of God
“Prayer can have no meaning unless it takes into account God’s total nature. He is holy; we come to Him on those grounds. He is love; we pray knowing that He is concerned about our needs. Because He is merciful, God understands and cares about human need. In most of the prayers of biblical characters, God took the initiative. The greatest saints have always known intuitively, from the depths of their spiritual nature, that God desires to provide for His own. God has chosen to relate Himself to us as a loving Father. He is also shepherd, keeper, refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Ps. 46:1), and a sun and shield (Ps. 84:11).”
30 Days of Prayer
Date |
Prayer Focus |
Date |
Prayer Focus |
11/1 |
Southwest Church |
11/16 |
Our college students |
11/2 |
Our Nation |
11/17 |
Growing faith & Overcoming doubt |
11/3 |
Our Community |
11/18 |
The Church around the world |
11/4 |
Our Schools, Teachers, Staff, |
11/19 |
People in need |
11/5 |
Unity |
11/20 |
Wisdom |
11/6 |
People who are grieving |
11/21 |
Neighbors |
11/7 |
Opportunities to show love |
11/22 |
Difficult people and relationships |
11/8 |
God’s Glory |
11/23 |
Local outreach |
11/9 |
God’s Will |
11/24 |
Our need and ability to forgive |
11/10 |
Global Missions |
11/25 |
Thanksgiving for God’s Provision |
11/11 |
Veterans and Military |
11/26 |
Contentment |
11/12 |
Freedom from sin |
11/27 |
Stronger Marriages |
11/13 |
Widows and widowers |
11/28 |
Boldness to share the gospel |
11/14 |
Orphans |
11/29 |
Opportunities to serve |
11/15 |
Our families |
11/30 |
Perseverance |
“The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” – James 5:16b
Think About Yourself Instead of Others
People or Objects
“Whatever I might be ‘doing’ on the surface, I’m being one of two fundamental ways when I’m doing it. Either I’m seeing others straightforwardly as they are–as people like me who have needs and desires as legitimate as my own–or I’m not. One way, I experience myself as a person among people. The other way, I experience myself as the person among objects.”
To Tell the Truth
Back to School
Preacher Training Camp 2021
This Sunday they will share their lessons from camp with us. Come and be encouraged and challenged by their thoughts from God’s word.