Meeting Times

Bible Class – 9:00 am
Morning Worship – 10:00 am
Evening Worship – 5:00 pm
Bible Class – 6:30 pm
For information on specific classes,
please visit our classes page.

Our Identity

We just call ourselves Christians and strive to follow Jesus and the teachings of the New Testament.  Please feel free to contact us with your questions about the church, the Bible or to request one of our members to study with you personally.
Knowing Jesus through the Bible has changed our lives, and we’re eager to share!


Our Mission

Our goal is to follow God as He revealed Himself in the Bible. We follow God’s call to love Him and our neighbors first and foremost. We look to the principles of the New Testament for guidance in our organization, our teaching and our worship.


Our History

Over fifty years ago, a small group of Christians started a new congregation in Ada, Oklahoma, known as the Southwest church of Christ. On October 1, 1972, we moved into our current building at 17th and Johnston.

Our Leadership

Click here to learn about our elders, deacons and ministers.


Office Phone: (580) 332-3430
Fax: (580) 332-0775
Toll-Free: (877) 332-3430

505 W. 17th Ada, OK 74820